Jahmari Reid, a high school student from the Trelawny region of northwest Jamaica, disappeared on Monday while sailing by himself, according to the police.
According to authorities, fishermen discovered his dead the next day with injuries that were consistent with a shark attack.
According to the local media, the man was beheaded and had one of his arms amputated. There are currently attempts on to kill the shark and retrieve the severed head.
himself,Michael Reid, Jahmari’s father, stated to the Jamaica Observer: “It’s unbelievable that he went out to sea by himself and that’s what happened.” Regretfully, yes. I’m in such pain.
According to the International Shark Attack File, situated in Florida, there were 14 verified fatal shark attacks last year, out of 69 confirmed unprovoked attacks worldwide.
There have only been three recorded instances of unprovoked shark attacks in Jamaica since 1749, according to the file, which is kept up to date by the Florida Museum of Natural History and the American Elasmobranch Society.