Callers vary from teenagers to the elderly, and the majority are “very confused and calling because ‘TikTok told me to,'” according to one news staffer.
According to a news, the most violent and threatening calls to their office came from adult women.
So far, TikTok’s massive mobilization seems to be backfiring.
Lawmakers and their staff claim that the lobbying campaign has exacerbated their concerns about the app and its parent corporation, ByteDance, and heightened their desire to enact the law.
The bill, introduced by a bipartisan coalition of 20 MPs, would require ByteDance to sell TikTok within six months.
A desperate TikTok lobbying campaign fails on Capitol Hill.
US congressional offices have told the news that they are receiving a flood of calls from TikTok users on legislation that may see the popular app outlawed.

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