The actor’s close friend disclosed to People magazine the current state of the couple’s romance. The insider claims that Pitt and de Ramon “are serious about their relationship and making plans for the future.”
According to the insider, Pitt and de Ramon moved in together sometime in February. “It started out as a fun and casual relationship, but after moving in together, they realized that they have something special,” the person continued.
Pitt and de Ramon went to Venice, Italy, at the end of August to see the premiere of “Wolfs.” This was also the couple’s first time on the red carpet. Pitt and de Ramon were spotted together with Pitt’s co-star and pal.
In November 2022, it was confirmed that Pitt and de Ramon were dating. 2019 saw Pitt and his ex-wife Jolie become officially single, granting him the option to wed de Ramon if he so chooses.
The benefit of being officially proclaimed single in 2019 is that it allows people to at least think of themselves as single and not married, according to divorce lawyer Kara Chrobak, a shareholder at Buchalter’s Denver office, who previously spoke with News.