A detective in the severe crime branch of Greater Manchester Police (GMP), Andrew Talbot grabbed less than 4kg of the substance from an evidence locker.
Liverpool Crown Court heard that in order to assist him in selling the cocaine, he also utilized police systems to look for drug sellers.
Between 2018 and 2020, Talbot supplied the drug; however, he was apprehended after inadvertently dropping a little quantity of cocaine outside his daughter’s school.
When he was searched at work following the February 2020 incident at the school, more drugs were discovered. Drug-related items and a bag with a GMP property demonstrating it.
When the cocaine confiscated from two police operations and stored in the property store was weighed, a sizable amount was discovered to be missing.
The trial was informed that pictures of the substance were discovered on Talbot’s phone and that a piece of paper in his car matched the property number for the cocaine.