LAHORE: The News said on Saturday that Cambridge International Education (CIE) has declared that it would not be marking pupils on the leaked AS Level Mathematics paper and that it has canceled the test.
According to a CIE statement, students’ grades will be determined by their performance on other exams as well as their results in the AS Level Mathematics second paper.
This happened after the AS-Level Mathematics paper was leaked on social media, particularly Facebook, on May 2.
Students were uncertain about whether the paper would be canceled and how this may impact their grades as a result of the leak.
“We are investigating reports of possible paper leaks for AS Level Mathematics 9709 Paper 12 on May 02, 2024.Back then, in response to the development, the CIE had stated, “This is being investigated, and Cambridge and the British Council are in close communication.”
The CIE UK had expressed worries about the paper leak and stated that all students will receive fair marks to ensure that nobody lost out.
The Cambridge administration now claims, in an email to school heads, that it has concluded that a sizable portion of Pakistani students saw the particular paper before to the exam’s start, based on data gathered from a variety of sources.
Making sure we treat the majority of kids fairly who did not cheat is our top goal.