Latest Health
Health experts say drinking tea everyday ‘slows ageing
Participants who stopped drinking tea showed an increase in ageing
The top three plant-based diets to lower heart disease risk and improve cardiac health
How to minus your risk of heart disease with these plant-based foods
A crucial manual for avoiding common wintertime illnesses
Check out the list of ten preventive measures that prohibit the transmission…
Would you like a little salt in your tea? The US Embassy also contributes
American scientist's unconventional recommendation to add "a pinch of salt" to tea…
Pakistan approves the import of live cattle from Brazil.
Last year, UAE tightened rules on import of meat from Pakistan over…
Twenty times more terrifying: “Disease X” raises concerns about a pandemic
WHO warns 'Disease X' pandemic can surpass devastation caused by ongoing global…
The lifestyle of a 93-year-old man reveals four keys to a long life.
By embracing 93-year-old Morgan's secrets, you too can unlock the door to…
The Ultimate Guide to a Strong Immune System: Everything to know
Everything you need to know about strengthening the immune system
Ten healthful reasons to consume a lot of yogurt in the winter
Yogurt is important for a balanced diet as it provides essential nutrients…
Teaplomacy: US informs UK that it disapproves of assertions It takes salt to make the ideal cup of tea.
US Embassy in London stated to reassure Britons that unconventional suggestion was…