Latest Politics
Peers called on landlords to “rescue” the Renters Reform Bill, saying they were “holding parliament hostage” by threatening to sell up.
Tenant rights are being strengthened, and landlords have been accused of "holding…
“I know they will detain me if I go”: Refugees contemplate missing Home Office conferences due to concerns about Rwanda.
Kidus, 30, traveled to the UK in a tiny boat with about…
Pakistan refutes India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s irrational comments
Pakistan shoots down India's PM Narendra Modi baseless remarks
Harvard students call for talks on Gaza genocide and end their protest.
Harvard agrees to a meeting that will involve high-ranking university officials
State institutions might have leaked judges’ confidential data: Justice Kayani
High office" to face contempt proceedings if anyone attempts to approach judges,…
Justice Sattar claims in a letter to IHC CJ that “top officials in the security establishment asked him to back off.”
Earlier this month IHC's Justice Babar Sattar hinted at issuing contempt of…
Justice Sattar, according to AGP Awan, only asked for an in-camera briefing on matters related to surveillance.
No top official from security establishment approached the IHC judge, says top…
In response to Khawaja Asif’s comments regarding Ayub Khan, Omar Ayub
Gohar says condemnation of Asif’s remarks not enough, he should be suspended…
NAB amendment case: SC permits Imran Khan’s May 16 video link appearance
Five-member bench led by CJP Isa hears federal govt's intra-court appeal on…
JAAC calls off AJK protests day after govt accepted demands against inflation, taxes
PM Shehbaz Sharif had announced Rs23 billion grant for AJK due to…