The 42-year-old actress, who is among the highest-paid celebrities in India, is presently filming the second season of the show in the UK with Scottish actor Richard Madden.
When Chopra Jonas discussed the show after taking a day off from filming, she said, “I have to say that it was the first time in my career that I received pay parity.” I never would have believed it was feasible.
“Did it occur because the studio’s head was a woman? maybe.
Chopra Jonas started her ascent to stardom 24 years ago when she won Miss World. She went on to launch her own production company, Purple Pebble Pictures, in 2015.
Speaking to Jen Salke, the head of Amazon Studios, at the Prime Video event Trailblazers honors women in both on- and off-screen roles.
Citadel’s first season, which is thought to have cost over $300 million (£225 million), did not impress critics and currently has a Rotten Tomatoes score of just 51%.