Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s outspoken Chief Minister Ali Amin Khan Gandapur demanded on Friday that the Center settle its KP dues, criticizing the federal government led by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif for costly power and the “worst load-shedding.”
“Electricity is being supplied to our people at high rates,” stated the provincial chief executive during a press briefing in DI Khan.
“They [the Centre] would be mistaken if they believed that we would keep quiet about this injustice,” he said.
The proviral chief executive said, “There is a deficit of more than Rs450 billion,” in reference to the economic difficulties and the impending maiden budget of the CM Gandapur-led government.
He said that KP owed the federal government Rs1.51 trillion under Net Hydel Profit.
During the tenure of the [previous] PTI, electricity was supplied at a rate of Rs 15 per unit. However, as of right present, the utility is not even available and costs Rs65 per unit.
“I am not pursuing alms for our people,” he informed the federal authorities.
The KP CM forewarned the federal government in March that his province will file a lawsuit to recoup unpaid debts from the Center.
The CM stated that KP had completely reinstated the free treatment option on Sehat Insaf Cards throughout the province and that they were working to enhance the quality of care provided in public institutions.