The 44-year-old created history in 2015 when she was elected as India’s first transgender mayor. In Raigarh, a tiny town in the state of Chhattisgarh in the centre, she prevailed.
However, Madhu returned to her previous life without a pension or government perks when her tenure ended in 2020. As is customary for the transgender community in India, she performs and dances during birth rituals and weddings alongside other hijras, or trans women.
Madhu has no plans to return to the political arena. She claims it’s too divisive and that she is tired of it.
I battled, prevailed, and toiled for the people. I wish to live for myself now.
In an industry where the LGBTQ population is still disproportionately underrepresented, Madhu’s brief but fruitful political career in India is exceptional.