Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Operations confirmed before the top judge of the Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Wednesday that letters containing suspicious powdery substance and threatening messages have been posted to the judges of the Supreme Court (SC), including Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Qazi Faez Isa.
“Such letters have also been received by four Supreme Court judges,” DIG The IHC Chief Justice Aamer Farooq, who was presiding over today’s cipher case hearing, was informed by operation. During the session, the chief jurist for the IHC called the police officer to the rostrum to answer questions regarding the envelopes sent to the judges yesterday (Tuesday) that may have included anthrax powder.
It was revealed that CJP Isa, Justice Athar Minallah, and Justice Jamal Khan are among the justices who were appointed to these positions on April 1.
The letters have been turned in to the Department of Counterterrorism (CTD).
The sources further stated that a letter posted by a woman named Gul Shad was received by Justice Mansoor Ali Shah, the senior member of the top court.
The DIG Operations informed the high court during the hearing that all envelopes containing letters and powdery material had been delivered to the lab for analysis. He also mentioned that the police department wrote to the post master general inquiring as to why they were unable to correctly read a stamp.