Comedian Jerry Seinfeld’s wife, Jessica Seinfeld, posted a number of pictures on Monday showing them relocating their eldest son, Shepherd, 18, into his college dorm at Duke University in North Carolina.
weekend of moving in. “All three baby birds have taken flight,” she posted on Instagram, captioning the images. “I hope everyone who is new to this or returning is doing well.
After getting hitched in 1999, the Seinfelds welcomed their daughter Sascha, a Duke University student, in 2000. Shepherd was born in 2005, and their son Julian was born in 2003. Julian went to Duke as well.
In the pictures was Sascha, who went with her family on the move-in excursion. Jessica also posted a photo of the five of them as a family.
When Jessica released two pictures of Shepherd’s high school graduation back in June, she said that they had given him a flip phone “in hopes he will turn in his smartphone.”
The pictures showed Shepherd getting ready to unpack the car, the comedian (70 years old) going through his son’s stuff in his little closet, and the family having a last meal and hug.