There were incidents at Sher Shah, Gulistan-e-Jauhar, and Qayyumabad. On Shahrah-e-Faisal, a dump truck overturned, seriously obstructing traffic.
Traffic around Millennium Mall and Drug Road was severely congested in the early morning hours after a speeding dump truck toppled close to the Drug Road U-turn on Shahrah-e-Faisal.
Thankfully, this incident did not result in any recorded casualties.
An 18-year-old motorcyclist named Raj, Ashiq’s son, was killed in another accident at Qayyumabad’s Jam Sadique Bridge after being hit by a speeding truck.
Falak Sher’s 15-year-old son, Leon, suffered injuries in the collision. For medical care, both patients were taken to Jinnah Hospital.