Many Americans are becoming disinterested in higher education due to worries about the growing expense of tuition and the atmosphere of university campuses, and entrepreneurs who choose not to get a four-year degree are advising others to do the same.
Bobby Kittleberger, editor of Guitar Chalk, told the News that he intentionally discourages his children from going to college.
To put it this way, you never see a guy drive up in a Ferrari and automatically assume that he’s got a college degree. “Therefore, I ask my children, why would you choose a route that isn’t intended to bring prosperity and wealth?” he added.
Kittleberger, who also works as an SEO consultant and web designer, is pushing his children away from a traditional college path for a number of reasons. Despite having a degree in computer science—one of the highest-paying majors—Kittleberger claimed that his degree has been “completely irrelevant” to his real-world employment and career path.
High school graduates are encouraged to forgo college by adults who have done so, citing the “immeasurable” benefits.
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