The caption said, “Welcome to Juventus, Arda Guler,” and included a picture of the 19-year-old Turkey international at an airport. The football player on the rise is now a member of the Juventus family.”
However, the Serie A team later provided a clarification on their Italian X account, stating that their English account had been “compromised” and that the “false information” that had been released should be disregarded.
Due to the closed transfer windows in Spain and Italy, Juventus would not be able to sign Guler until January, even if they were interested.
The ‘Turkish Messi’, Guler, was acquired by Real Madrid from Fenerbahce in July 2023 for an estimated £16.7 million.
He was a member of the Turkey team at Euro 2024 and has made 23 appearances for the Spanish club.
With Turkey’s second goal in their 3-1 victory over Georgia, the adolescent became the youngest player to score on his European Championship debut.