Pakistani Zaireen, accompanied by Tariq Masroof, the Second Secretary of the Pakistan High Commission (PHC) in New Delhi, deposited the traditional chaddar at the shrine of Hazrat Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Hasan Chishti (RA) in Ajmer Sharif, India, on Tuesday.
According to a news release from PHC, 89 Pakistani Zairean are in Ajmeer Sharif from January 7 to 9 to take part in the 813th annual Urs mubarak of Hazrat Khwaja Chishti (RA).
The team offered prayers for the nation’s advancement and prosperity after putting the traditional chaddar on behalf of the people and the Pakistani government.
Earlier, the team was greeted by notable Anjuman Moinia Fakhria Chishtia Khuddam Khwaja Sahib members upon their arrival at the dargah.