But “choice” in and of itself does not ensure that their kids will attend educational institutions that uphold their preferred morals.
Recent data about charter schools indicates that many of them are promoting the woke ideals that parents want to avoid, rather than lessening them.
The most popular kind of school choice available in the United States right now is charter schools, which frequently lack the necessary infrastructure to support parents’ views. Charters must have the support of state-selected charter authorizers in order to begin and maintain operations. These authorizers are responsible for selecting which new charter applications to accept and whether to renew existing charters.
Furthermore, because charter schools must purchase school buildings and get lower financing per student than traditional public schools, they frequently find themselves vying for financial support from large philanthropies like the Walton Family Foundation and the Gates Foundation.
Satisfying families can seem extremely different from appeasing authorizers and funders. And it’s evident.