A major verdict regarding presents given to a wife during or prior to separation has been affirmed by the Sindh High Court. It states that gifts given to a wife during or prior to marriage cannot be returned.
Arshad Jameel petitioned the SHC justice to have the presents he had given his wife returned.
The trial court’s decision is upheld by the court’s comprehensive ruling in a family court appeal.
The decision made clear that any presents given to the woman while she was married were her personal belongings and could not be reclaimed after divorce.
The court declared in its ruling that “the gifts given to the wife at the time of marriage or before separation become her personal property and cannot be reclaimed.”The decision upholds the wife’s exclusive ownership of gifts from her husband under the law, guaranteeing that she would always be the recipient of such presents. The decision should provide clarity and legal support to the ownership rights of presents given during marriage, setting a precedent in cases of a similar kind.