To understand the significance of Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib’s (AS) teachings in the modern world and to counteract sectarianism and other divisive factors acting in Ummah, renowned scholar and academic Dr. Hassan Abbas has emphasized the necessity to reimagine Hazrat Ali.
At the Islamabad Policy Institute (IPI)-hosted launch of the Urdu version of his book, “The Prophet’s Heir: The Life of Ali ibn Abi Talib,” Dr. Abbas, an international relations professor at National Defense University in Washington, DC, stated these statements. The translation into Urdu, “Warith Rasool (SAAW) Haider Karar Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS),” is a continuation of the Arabic and Persian translations that came before it.
Notably, this book is the first biography of Imam Ali produced by a Western author. It was initially released by Yale University Press in 2021.