Thunderstorms were lively due to the heat and humidity, yet many areas were dry.
The areas most likely to get thunderstorms include eastern Scotland, east Wales, and England.
Another thunderstorm warning has been issued by the Met Office for those locations, with the possibility of 30–40 mm of rain in less than an hour, and maybe as much as 80 mm.
There is a chance of localized surface water flooding along with frequent hail and lightning.
Although Tuesday appears to be a better day than Monday, there will still be showers, but fewer in number.
It appears that starting in the middle of the week, the north will be mostly dry while the south will continue to have the possibility of showers.
In the south, the likelihood of thunderstorms returning this weekend may increase with rising temperatures and humidity.
Conditions that were more settled a few days ago might become more general during the next week, but things might yet alter.
A mobile westerly wind is more expected from the middle of the month onward, with the possibility of wind and rain periods.
The east and south are predicted to be the driest regions, while the north and west are predicted to be the wettest.
However, in terms of meteorology, that is a very long way off.