LAHORE: According to police on Monday, Dr. Shahid Siddique, the founder member of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), was murdered. The murder shocked the victim’s family and party. It was planned out by his own son.
After Friday prayers, an unidentified assailant in the Valencia Town neighborhood of Lahore shot and killed Siddiqui outside a mosque. While the incident was happening, his son was also present at the crime scene, but he was uninjured.
According to the police, Dr. Siddique’s son Qayyum plotted his father’s murder with a buddy because the victim wouldn’t let his son marry the woman of his dreams.
According to investigators, Qayyum struck a pact to kill his father in January for Rs5 million for the same reason. He also paid Rs20 million for the second attack on Siddiqui.The deceased PTI leader was a well-known member of the medical community and the owner of a private hospital close to Johar Town.
Qayyum was also in the white automobile that the police claimed was used to scout Siddiqui. On Friday, they stated, the victim took money out of a bank and gave it to worthy individuals, all the while the automobile followed him.