It happens just a few days after South Korean authorities announced they were looking into Telegram after charging the platform with “abetting” the dissemination of these kinds of photos.
It was discovered that multiple Telegram chatrooms, many of which were managed by teens, had been exploiting Photoshopped images of young women to create sexually explicit “deepfakes” in recent weeks.
According to authorities, Telegram has since taken these videos down from its network.
Telegram “apologised if there had been an element of misunderstanding” and described the situation as “unfortunate” in a statement to the Communications Standards Commission (KCSC) of South Korea.
Additionally, it affirmed that, at KCSC’s request, it had removed 25 of these films.
Telegram also suggested creating an email address specifically for future contact with the regulator in its most recent filing to the KCSC.
Telegram has “acknowledged the seriousness” of the situation, according to KCSC, which also characterized the company’s stance as “very forward-looking.”.
Artificial intelligence is used to create deepfakes, which frequently blend a real person’s face with a phony body.
When reporters learned that police were looking into deepfake porn rings at two of the nation’s top colleges, the latest deepfake scandal aroused uproar in South Korea.