The departure schedules of multiple trains leaving Lahore have been greatly affected by heavy rains and unfavorable weather. To prevent any inconvenience, passengers were asked to verify the updated timetables.
Trains impacted and updated schedules:
Express Karakoram to Karachi
Initial departure time: 03.00
Final departure time: 3:30 a.m.
Pak Business Express to Karachi Departured at 4 p.m. originally
Updated departure time: 7:00 p.m.
Karachi Express Departured originally at 6 p.m.
ETA revised to 9:15 p.m.
Reason for the wait
The region’s poor weather and frequent rains are to blame for the delays. In order to ensure passenger safety and train efficiency, these weather circumstances have created operational issues that have required alterations to the train schedules.