28 provisions are included in the Employment Rights Bill, which was brought into parliament on Thursday. Many of these will be the subject of lengthy consultations, and the delivery dates of more than 30 other promises are unclear.
The primary reform package eliminates the two-year qualifying period and protects employees against wrongful termination beginning on the first day of employment.
Alongside the measure, new hires will be subject to a statutory probationary term of up to nine months, during which time employees may be fired using a “lighter touch” procedure.
the elimination of the lower earnings cap, the right to statutory sick pay beginning on the first day of illness, and the present three-day waiting time
• The right to compensated and unpaid leave of absence for fathers. Fathers will now be eligible for benefits only if they work 26 or 52 weeks, respectively, and a new legislative right to bereavement leave will be implemented.
• The ability to work from home. If an employer says no, they must show that the choice is justified in light of eight criteria.
• “Exploitative zero-hour contracts” should be prohibited. Employees on zero- or short-hour contracts must be given the opportunity to choose a contract based on the number of hours worked during a 12-week reference period, as well as notification of their shift patterns and the right to reimbursement for short-term cancellations.