Being a football manager is a risky job. Most of them are unemployed at any one time, hoping to find employment again when their peers fail.
Currently in the camp is Ian Holloway, who began his management career in 1996. After leaving his tenth and final position at Grimsby, he has been waiting for his next employment for nearly four years.
The 61-year-old tells Sport, “I’m 11 games short of 1,000, and that’s killing me,” expressing his wish to become one of “an elite group” of 26 Englishmen to reach it.
Although it’s just a number, it represents much more.
The fact that I haven’t [achieved it] makes me a little envious. It has to do with longevity.
Holloway has enjoyed spending more time with his family, painting pictures, and playing a variety of pundit roles during his free time, but he is eager to return to the game.
Don’t vultures wait for food? He says. It’s the only thing I’ve ever known, I guess. There isn’t another option.