Every year, the news writes and publishes comprehensive election guidelines, which include instructions on polling day.
The news refrains from covering any election campaign on polling day from 06:00 BST until the polls close at 22:00 BST on TV, radio, bbc.co.uk, social media, and other channels.
Online platforms, like iPlayer programs, are exempt from having to erase stored reports. On election day, the candidate lists and manifesto guidelines are still accessible online.
Reports on the day’s events are typically limited to factual and uncontroversial accounts, including the weather or the presence of politicians at polling places.
It usually concentrates on providing information that will facilitate voters’ visitation of voting places.
On election day itself, contentious topics that were discussed during the campaign or before the polls close may not be discussed until after the polls have closed.
This implies that until the polls shut, no opinion survey regarding any political matter or the election may be released.
It is illegal to publish “exit polls,” which comprise surveys on how people claim to have voted, while the polls are still open.