Grace, 20, and Finn, 18, the 56-year-old actor and filmmaker’s children, are shared with his wife Christy Turlington.
Burns, whose debut book, “A Kid from Marlboro Road,” was just published, told News that he and his supermodel spouse made sure to schedule outings and projects well in advance of their children leaving for college. It has lessened the impact.
Burns acknowledged that the change has been “bittersweet,” saying, “It’s funny; Christy and I were laughing that we both made sure that we were each extremely busy this fall, so we haven’t had to really face it.”
He remarked, “Obviously, we’re overjoyed that the kids are content, out on their trip, and enjoying their college experiences. But you find yourself missing them terribly.
Apart from maybe my final year of high school, I had never really considered writing a novel,” he said. “My creative writing instructor was excellent. She inspired me to become a writer after reading one of my short stories. That’s what you should learn in school, she said. But as soon as I was in school, I began my cinema studies. I developed a deep affinity for screenwriting and movies.