A contract of Rs. 21.534 billion has been given by the Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) to build telemetry systems for real-time discharge monitoring at 27 strategic locations on the Indus Basin Irrigation System (IBIS).
A Joint Venture (JV) with Siemens serving as a Sub-Contractor and CDigital and HBCC as Members has been granted the contract. According to the deal, the telemetry system would be put into service in December 2026 following installation, an official statement released on Wednesday stated.
In a ceremony held today, Chief Executive Officer CDigital Muhammad Ahsan Bashir and Chief Engineer and Project Director of the Indus Telemetry Project Waseem Ali signed the agreement on behalf of Wapda and the JV, respectively.The critical duty of installing a telemetry system on Ibis to address the problems with water distribution among the federating units has been given to Wapda by the Ministry of Water Resources. The Indus Telemetry Project’s approved PC-I is worth Rs23,834 billion.