The cost of a live chicken in Peshawar increased by Rs20, to Rs490 per kilogramme, marking another spike in chicken costs. As a result, chicken flesh has become more expensive, with a kilogramme now costing Rs735.
Peshawar traders blame a number of variables, such as rising feed, chick, and electricity expenses, for the ongoing increase in chicken prices. The total cost of producing hens has increased dramatically as a result of these increasing expenses, and the market prices reflect this.
The vendors also mentioned that the rates in Punjab had an impact on the prices of chickens in Peshawar. The current price surge is further compounded by the fact that Peshawar experiences a matching increase in pricing whenever there is an increase in Punjabi chicken prices.Peshawar residents are concerned about the ongoing increase in chicken prices since it has a direct impact on their daily budgets. The rising cost of a primary protein source is making budgeting for food more difficult for households.