The tragic events that recently occurred in the Kurram district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have deeply concerned Federal Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi, who has called on local leaders to contribute positively to the search for a long-term resolution to the dispute.
He stated that the administration is dedicated to offering all support necessary to settle the issue and advance regional peace.
During a meeting with a Kurram delegation headed by Majlis-e-Wahdatul Muslimeen MNA Hameed Hussain, Minister Naqvi expressed his profound grief over the loss of innocent lives. In addition, he prayed for the quick healing of everyone hurt in the altercations.Naqvi stressed the need of harmony and unity, saying that the rivalry between the two groups had been exaggerated and that joint efforts are necessary to promote brotherhood in the region.
Naqvi gave the group his word that “the government will provide all possible assistance to resolve the matter.” He emphasized how crucial it is for local leaders to work together in order to guarantee a peaceful and long-lasting settlement to the dispute.