In an interview in the US, chief executive Gary Pilnick made the remarks while outlining the company’s initiatives to win over hard-pressed consumers.
Speaking to news , Mr. Pilnick stated: “We’re advertising about cereal for dinner because we know that families will find it much more affordable if they compare the cost of cereal to what they might otherwise do. Consumers are under pressure.”
Since a bowl of cereal with milk and fruit costs less than $1, the cereal category is generally one where a lot of people might visit. Thus, it makes sense why a customer who is under duress would consider that to be a good location to go.”
However, in response to host Carl Quintanilla’s question about if the message would “land the wrong way,” Mr. Pilnick said, “We don’t think so.”
It turns out that more than 25% of intake occurs during times other than morning, primarily during dinner. And that event keeps getting bigger.
“Cereal for dinner is something that is probably more on trend now, and we would expect to continue as that consumer is under pressure.”