The majority of people should care about rebuilding our military, taking on Communist China, and holding them accountable for the catastrophic learning loss caused by the horrible school closures during COVID-19, but they won’t. (The growing antisemitism in our nation, particularly on college campuses, is a component of the larger “Israel” problem.)
Regarding all three of the major issues, former President Donald Trump has a track record. Vice President Kamala Harris has only ever spoken out against illegal immigration and border issues, but on Friday, she kindly revealed that she is ill-prepared to deal with inflation on top of having already shown herself as everything but an ally of Israel.
The inflation rate.
In 2020, the last year of Donald Trump’s first term, a dozen eggs cost $1.51. Oil prices averaged less than $40 per barrel.
The head of a radical group that amplified pro-Hamas discourse visited the Biden-HarRIS White House multiple times.
Oil is twice as expensive as it was four years ago, and eggs range in price from $4 to $7, with very few exceptions. The two prices are, naturally, related. Because of the rise in oil and energy prices, everything related to the pricing of eggs—from the upkeep and feeding of the hens to the packing and transportation of the eggs to retail establishments and the running of these businesses from roadside kiosks to small markets to Costco—costs significantly more.