ISLAMABAD According to officials, at least 260 persons in Sindh receive an HIV diagnosis each month, with 10% to 15% of these instances involving youngsters. This worrisome rate highlights a concerning scenario in the province.
Particularly, reports of cases are made from Larkana and the neighboring districts, Hyderabad, Mirpur Khas, and Karachi.
The first five months of 2024 have seen the detection of 1,304 new HIV cases. An official from the Sindh health department informed this correspondent that there are, on average, 260 new HIV cases detected in the province each month.
Under the age of twelve, the youngsters have been diagnosed with the fatal illness.
According to officials, tainted blood, mother-to-child transmission, quacks, inadequate infection prevention and control, and the reuse of syringes and IV drips by untrained practitioners are the main causes of HIV transmission among children in Sindh, as reported by The News.
The most recent HIV outbreak, according to the report, was discovered in the Mirpur Khas area, where 20 youngsters were screened for the virus at a nutrition stabilization facility at Civil Hospital Mirpur Khas over the course of the previous six months.
Data from the Common Management Unit (CMU) for AIDS, TB, and Malaria in Islamabad as well as the Sindh health department show that 293 new HIV cases were diagnosed in May 2024, which was the greatest number of new cases ever recorded in Sindh.