According to the Advertising Standards Agency (ASA), the radio ad promoting the transatlantic flight was misleading in its unqualified claim of “100% sustainable aviation fuel”.
The ASA said that future Virgin Atlantic advertising citing SAF must contain information about the fuel’s environmental impact.
The judgment undermines airlines’ ability to promote a crucial component of their carbon reduction strategy.
What did the advertisement say?.
First aired in November, the ad reminded listeners about the first long-haul commercial airplane to fly over the Atlantic utilizing 100% SAF, which is made of sugar from industrial cornstarch and animal fats.
“On November 28th, Virgin Atlantic’s Flight 100 will take to the skies on our unique flight mission from London Heathrow to JFK, becoming the world’s first commercial airline to fly transatlantic on 100% sustainable aviation fuel,” the advertisement stated.
“When they stated it was too difficult, we replied, ‘challenge accepted.’ Virgin Atlantic flight 100. View the world differently.