The Sindh High Court (SHC) has again postponed the appeals hearing in the murder case of Mir Murtaza Bhutto, citing reports that have been submitted slowly. The court gave SSP East a show-cause notice during the hearing for neglecting to submit a report on the accused who had passed away.
The defense attorneys told the court that two of the main suspects in the case, Rai Tahir and Wajid Durrani, were ill and could not appear. But the court questioned whether their absences could be justified by illness or Supreme Court obligations.
The court was also informed that four other accused—Shahid Hayat, Shabbir Qaimkhani, Agha Jameel, and Masood Sharif—had passed away, further complicating the case.
The fact that the appeals are still pending since 2010 angered Justice Nimat Phalphuto.