Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, along with her father and PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif, presided over a critical meeting aimed at improving the province’s transportation infrastructure, including an underground train project in Lahore and the implementation of metro bus projects in three cities in Punjab.
During the discussion, the chief minister underlined the importance of precise planning for Lahore’s underground train project and requested a detailed plan. Furthermore, decisions were taken on metro bus projects in three Punjab cities, with extensive briefings on many areas of transportation, including the distribution of bikes to students.
Nawaz Sharif instructed authorities to increase the number of motorcycles accessible for students and ensure that the monthly installments for these bikes are kept at a minimum to ease the financial burden on students. He reiterated that it was the government’s responsibility to support students financially.
In accordance with these guidelines, it was stated that 19,000 petrol bikes and 1,000 electric bikes would be given to students with the necessary licenses on interest-free monthly installments. The installments for petrol bikes will be less than Rs5,000, while those for e-bikes will be less than Rs10,000.
Furthermore, a quota system has been established to assure equal chances for male and female students, with a 50% allocation in cities and a 70% quota for male students and 30% for female students in rural areas.