Tony Smith told News that although the announcements made by the new administration demonstrating its “seriousness about immigration enforcement” (such as restarting removal centers and increasing staffing at the National Crime Agency, or NCA), the task at hand is enormous.
The skepticism coincides with the pledge of a local MP to oppose the plan in the vicinity of one of the detention centers, citing the facility’s “dark history” and accusing Labour of evading investigation.
While the now-canceled Rwanda program, according to Mr. Smith, would have focused on individuals from high-intake nations, or those who would be eligible for refuge it.
According to him, that will probably only result in a “fairly modest” rise in removals.
He went on: “The Home Office is trying to increase the removals rate, which is a good thing.”
“However, it will be difficult to predict how this will affect the inflow of irregular migrants and small boats in the future.