Imran Khan, the founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), is currently in prison. Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz launched a new rant against him on Wednesday, claiming that “his own doings” were to blame for the former prime minister’s struggles.
Speaking at the Honhaar Scholarship Program ceremony in Sargodha, the province chief executive asked, “How can a person who uses youth as political fuel fall asleep?”
She told the students that someone “who asks you to siege and arson is not your friend” and urged them to not oppose the nation “under any circumstances.”.
Maryam made reference to the incidents of May 9, 2023, and the “final call protest” on November 26 when she added, “His [Imran] own children were sitting outside [and] he is asking others to vandalize and spread anarchy.”