The mandated rates for Sadaqa-e-Fitr, also known as Fitrana and Fidya, an obligatory charity tribute that Muslims must make during the holy month of Ramadan, for the current year were announced on Thursday by Dr. Raghib Hussain Naeemi, Chairman of the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII).
The statement states that each person must pay a minimum of Rs220 for Sadqa-e-Fitr and Fidya.
The prices, however, range according on the commodity: wheat costs Rs 220, barley Rs 450, dates Rs 1,650, raisins Rs 2,500, and dried grapes (Munqqa) Rs 5,000.
Instead of depending on the minimal amount based on wheat, Dr. Naeemi advised wealthy people to pay their Sadqa-e-Fitr and Fidya in accordance with their financial means.
He emphasized that Sadqa-e-Fitr is required for all Muslims, whether they are free or enslaved, male or female, young or elderly, who own