That’s not to say, however, that the 36-year-old Democrat hasn’t experienced financial hardship in the last few years, on par with tens of millions of Americans.
The Pennsylvania mother of two claims, “I definitely felt the gas price increase, but I also realized that it was probably just temporary.” Ms. Pontius, driven by concerns about abortion, intends to vote for Joe Biden once more after doing so four years prior. “I’m not worried about the big picture economy,” she states.
Such assurance is good news for Mr. Biden, as his first term was marred by an anomalous 18%
increase in prices, which fueled discontent in the economy and undermined political backing.
Though sentiments at home remained glaringly negative, the American economy’s spectacular recovery from the pandemic attracted envy from throughout the globe.
There are now indications that things might be improving, as national gas prices are beginning to drop back around $3 per gallon and wages are beginning to catch up with inflation.
Business surveys show that in recent months, economic sentiment—what some pollsters refer to as the “vibe” that people feel about the economy—has improved.