The “Die Hard” actor’s daughter, Demi Moore, shared with her fans how she has been handling her father’s dementia fight while uploading a series of pictures of the two of them on Instagram.
“Hey, I adore this person so much! It’s difficult to experience emotions, but I’m so happy that I’m allowing them to flow through me right now rather than pushing them away! From the eternal archives,” she said as the picture’s caption.
Tallulah is holding Bruce’s hands as he gently places them on her shoulders in the first picture on the carousel, which has Bruce kissing the back of her head. The second photo shows the two of them smiling for it.
In contrast, Bruce is seen grinning at his daughter in the third picture as she pages through a binder containing his previous magazine covers.
Another said, “As children of those who suffer from memory loss, we end up preserving the stories.” Your twosome’s love is evident in every photo.
The ability to love and be loved is the greatest gift in the world, a third person added. You are so very blessed. I’m sending positive vibes your way today.