One Saudi riyal is purchased in Pakistan for Rs73.65, and on Thursday, it is sold for Rs74.20 on the open market.
Date of Last Exchange Rate Adjustment
10 October 2024, Rs. 73.65 0
10.10.2024, Rupees 73.65
The official currency of Saudi Arabia is the Saudi Riyal, sometimes abbreviated as SAR or SR. There are 100 halals in one riyal.
As of October 10, the open market exchange rate is Rs73.65. 500 Saudi Riyals will therefore be equivalent to Rs36,825 in Pakistani rupees.
A 1,000 Saudi Riyal will buy Rs73,650 in Pakistani Rupees at the current exchange rate of Rs73.65.
On October 10, 2024, the open market value of a Saudi riyal in Pakistan is Rs73.65.