After meeting with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Sardar Ali Amin Khan Gandapur, the KokiKhel tribe of Khyber District has halted its 75-day sit-in and canceled a scheduled march.
The return of displaced KokiKhel residents to their homes was the main topic of discussion during the meeting, which was attended by tribal elders, MNA Iqbal Afridi, MPAs Suhail and Abdul Ghani Afridi, the Peshawar Commissioner, and the Khyber Deputy Commissioner.
Participants decided to start the registration procedure right away in order to facilitate the return of individuals whose locations have been cleared. A timetable and action plan for the return of the remaining displaced people will be established during a follow-up meeting with pertinent authorities next week.
The tribe terminated its protracted protest and postponed a scheduled march towards Tirah after receiving promises from the Chief Minister.