Imran Khan, the founder of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), petitioned the Supreme Court on Wednesday to appoint a judicial committee to “inquire, audit, and examine” the manner and process of the country’s February 8 general elections.
The lawmaker, who is still detained at the Adiala jail after being convicted in various instances, filed the appeal in response to rigging claims leveled by his party and others in the aftermath of “manipulation and fraud in the election results”.
The appeal, filed by renowned lawyer Hamid Khan on behalf of the PTI founder, sought the supreme court to appoint a judicial committee — comprised of serving SC judges with no prejudice against anyone — to “inquire, audit, and evaluate the mode and process of general elections of 8 February 2024 and the developments that took place thereafter of compiling false and fraudulent results rendering winners into losers and losers into winners”.