According to sources who spoke with Geo News on Thursday, students requesting confirmation of their degrees are in a rather dangerous scenario because the Higher Education Commission’s (HEC) degree verification system may not be operational for up to ten days.
According to the sources, there is confusion around the degree verification of hundreds of students, which has caused concern for individuals who plan to pursue higher education overseas.
Every year, hundreds or perhaps thousands of students receive services connected to education credentials and degree verification from the government organization.
Students who want to get into international schools frequently use HEC’s degree attestation or verification service because these institutions frequently need documents that have been validated and attested by HEC in order to address the problem of falsified documents, etc.
In addition, the service is utilized by those who plan to apply for immigration to other nations as well as jobs.
Students have bemoaned the HEC’s stance on the matter, claiming that after numerous visits to the body’s headquarters, their issues remain unanswered.
Despite filing their applications online, they claimed that their challans have not yet been issued.