In other Punjabi cities, funeral prayers were held for the martyrs of the Musa Khel disaster. Family members, community members, law enforcement, and the police attended.
At the Janazgah, prayers were said for Qadir and Shahbaz Bhatti. A sizable crowd of people showed up for the funeral prayers.
Ghulam Murtaza had three children when he was killed in the Musakhel incident.
140 TDA inhabitant Mehboob Hussain was the mother of six children. Five children were born to Allah Bakhsh, a resident of 165 TDA. Cargo vehicle drivers were the casualties.
For the four victims of the Musa Khel incident, funeral prayers were also held. Chakok village held the graves of Ghulam Murtaza, Allah Bakhsh, Mehboob Hussain, and Muhammad Zameer.