Researchers have learned how the human body uses stem cells to build skin, and they have even successfully replicated little patches of skin in a lab.
The study is a part of an effort to learn how the human body is made, one cell at a time.
The results could be utilized to minimize scarring and create fake skin for transplantation in addition to preventing aging.
One of the most ambitious biological research initiatives is the Human Cell Atlas project. Despite being global, it is based in Cambridge’s Wellcome Sanger Institute.
According to Prof. Muzlifah Haniffa, one of the project’s organizers, it will benefit scientists.
Prof. Haniffa of the Wellcome Sanger Institute stated, “We will have fewer wrinkles if we can manipulate the skin and prevent ageing.”
“How can I rejuvenate organs, make the heart younger, and make the skin younger?” is a question that can be asked if we can comprehend how cells change from their beginning development to aging in adulthood.