For most Muslims, the subject of how to exercise during Ramadan might be confusing.
Most people avoid exercising during the Holy Month out of fear of frailty.
So, let’s start with this question: Should you exercise throughout Ramadan? The answer is yes!
However, working exercise during Ramadan requires caution to avoid dehydration and a sedentary lifestyle.
Creating a Safe and Healthy Ramadan Workout Plan:
1. Avoid starting a hard workout routine during Ramadan if you were previously inactive. However, you should try to become more active.
It is recommended that such individuals begin with light workouts, such as walks and using the stairs instead of the elevator. You may also add yoga positions and basic stretching routines into your Ramadan training program.
2. For those with an active lifestyle: Continue your workouts while staying hydrated. Most importantly, resist the temptation to increase the intensity of your workouts this month.
When is the ideal time to workout during Ramadan?
The answer to this popular question is that one size does not fit all. However, there are guidelines to follow in this regard.
According to fitness experts, strength training during Ramadan should be done before suhoor to allow for replenishment.
Cardio should be maintained to a minimum throughout Ramadan to minimize weakness, and it is best done after iftar or 30-40 minutes beforehand. If you do these exercises excessively, you will lose muscle mass quickly.