In a nutshell, it won’t.
It now forms a fundamental part of the Chinese leader’s governance structure.
Furthermore, Mr. Xi is frequently seen as an uncontrollably Stalinesque monster who is purging people left, right, and center without cause because the anti-corruption campaign has been utilized.
However, some people do not hold that view.
“While Xi may harbor paranoia regarding high-level corruption, his fear is not unfounded,” remarks Andrew Wedeman, Georgia State University’s head of China Studies.
“It’s true that he worries about corruption. Naturally, it is also probably true that Mr. Xi has used the crackdown to his political advantage.
Under Chairman Mao, cultivating a passion for the Party was the key to curbing corruption.
Then, under Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin, the notion spread that improving people’s standard of life would reduce their incentive to engage in corrupt behavior.
The majority of Chinese people had considerably better lives by the time Hu Jintao took office, but others were still willing to employ dishonest methods to obtain what they want, which contributed to widespread fraud.
These days, it seems as though Chairman Xi has completely returned to Mao’s methods, emphasizing Party loyalty as the solution to the issue.
And these campaigns are started through the Party, whose investigations center on supposed violations of its own rules. In essence, it’s a matter of organized politics, with the Party conducting investigations in any way it pleases.