On Friday, the 65-year-old Hollywood star faced new charges in relation to the shooting death of 42-year-old Halyna Hutchins, a cinematographer, on the Rust movie set.
The Santa Fe, New Mexico, court filings were made on Wednesday in response to Baldwin’s indictment regarding the death of Halyna Hutchins, who perished in October 2021 after a prop gun he was holding went off on set.
“Mr Baldwin is entitled to a fair and speedy disposition of the charges to minimise public vilification and suspicion and to avoid the hazards of proving his innocence that often arise after lengthy delays in prosecution,” according to the court documents.
In addition, he has asked that the New Mexico District Attorney “preserve all evidence” pertaining to the case and provide a written list “of all witnesses which the prosecutor intends to call at the trial”.
Regarding the 42-year-old cinematographer’s fatal shooting, Baldwin was charged a second time on Friday.
Based on evidence that the revolver’s hammer, which is pulled back to build momentum before firing, may have been altered to enable shooting without pulling the trigger, all criminal charges were dropped in April of last year.
After the pistol broke during FBI testing, authorities later started debating whether to refile a charge based on new analysis that required replacement parts to reassemble the weapon.
The Hollywood actor, 65, has maintained that he only withdrew the hammer, not the trigger.
New expert analysis, however, raised questions about the actor’s story.
It was determined by new forensic testing that he would have needed to pull the trigger in order to fire the live round.
The latest report read: “Given the tests, findings and observations reported here, the trigger had to be pulled or depressed sufficiently to release the fully cocked or retracted hammer of the evidence revolver.”